ESTHER Alliance for Global Health Partnerships & Irish Global Health Network
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Friday, April 3rd: North-South Health Partnerships in the context of COVID-19: How Best to Respond
Time: 14.00 CEST
Hosts: Hala Ali, ESTHER Alliance, Coordinator
Nadine Ferris France, Executive Director,
Irish Global Health Network/ESTHER Ireland
Webinar Anchor: Ruairi Brugha, Professor Emeritus, a Former Head of the Department of Public Health & Epidemiology at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
- Ben Simms: Chief Executive, THET Partnership for Global Health
- Dr Shams Syed: Quality Team Lead at the World Health Organization. He currently directly oversees WHO work on twinning partnerships for improvement and has led WHO work in this arena since 2009. He is also responsible for the WHO national quality policy and strategy initiative.
- Arley Gomez, Columbia Arley Gomez, Research Director, Fundación Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud, Columbia
- Dr Mwenya Kasonde, Assistant Director for Global.Health responsible for health partnerships, Zambia
- David Weakliam: Former Chair of ESTHER Alliance, Leader of Global Health Programme in the HSE