Magnus Unemo, expert in antimicrobial resistant gonorrhoea in Bern this week


Magnus will speak on “Gonorrhoea Management in the Era of Multidrug Resistance” on Tuesday 4th February 2014; 17:30-18:30; Room D517, Polikliniktrakt 2, Bern University Hospital (Eingang 29), 3010 Bern. As Director of the WHO Collaborating Centre for Gonorrhoea and other STIs, Örebro University Hospital, Sweden.

Magnus is a collaborator on two new projects at ISPM. Look out for news next week about RADAR-Go (Rapid Diagnosis of Antimicrobial Resistant Gonorrhoea) and SystemsX (Exploring response surfaces and synergistic interactions of antibiotic combination treatment for Neisseria gonorrhoeae).