Registration is open for the new CAS in Medication Safety starting in October 2023!

Certificate of Advanced Studies Medication Safety

Recognizing and tackling practical challenges related to medication safety is key to reduce preventable harm to patients; participants of the unique certificate program will be trained by an interprofessional expert board to initiate and lead processes improving medication safety in their institutions. Medication-related problems are a leading cause of avoidable harm to patients and therefore recognized as a prioritized area for intervention by global health authorities.

The interprofessional program of the first CAS in Medication Safety is organized by Inselspital – University Hospital of Bern in close collaboration with the Institute of Primary Health Care (BIHAM) & Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine (ISPM), University of Bern. ISPM’s Prof. Dr. David Schwappach contributes as member of the program board and lecturer. The CAS provides participants with the necessary knowledge, skills and network to become experts in the field and enables them to proactively establish and foster projects to optimize medication processes.

Addressing the need of interprofessional collaboration this unique program has been developed by internationally renowned experts and is directed towards healthcare professionals who currently hold leading positions in medication safety or would like to take on such responsibilities.

Informational events will be held (via Zoom) on 21 April (7 pm) and 26 May (7 pm). For more information, please visit or send an email to

The registration deadline is 31 July 2023.