More than 30 stakeholders, representing different cantonal and local organizations and institutions, participated in the meeting "Effect of heat on human health" which was held last 27 October, as part of the proposed activities in the NCCS-Impacts-Health project ("Impacts of climate change on health, well-being and performance of humans and animals and food safety in Switzerland"). The workshop aimed to present the research approach and discuss follow-up activities with different healthcare professionals, climate experts and urban planners in Switzerland. In particular, the module for which the workshop was planned will develop a series of tools and resources on vulnerabilities to heat in Switzerland that will help stakeholders better manage resources and design interventions to protect populations from heat. The stakeholders assessed our research approach regarding individual vulnerability profiles to heat and heat-vulnerability mapping of Swiss cities and provided valuable feedback on the usefulness of our research for their daily work. There was active exchange about how our research results should be communicated both to the broader public and stakeholders. A next workshop is planned for autumn 2024, at which we will present further results, organize discussions in focus groups and define follow-up activities. The event and the project are part of the NCCS Impacts program, funded by the National Center for Climate Services of Switzerland, which aims to provide actionable climate services for the environment, economy, and society.